Phoenix and Tucson Commercial Cleaning Blog - Jani-King Southwest

Ava’s Journey: From Corporate Success to Business Fulfillment

Written by Jani-King | Oct 3, 2024 6:59:17 PM

Ava Burns rose the ranks of success quickly in the corporate world in the mid-90’s. She had just shelved her newly earned journalism degree from Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School and thrived in a 9 - 5 desk job in California with one of the biggest Fortune 500 employers at the time.  

The pay was good. She had amassed some wealth and respect in the industry, but despite her success, she missed Arizona and frankly was annoyed reporting to a chain of leaders. With big ideas and a hunger to lead, she wanted to be the boss. She needed a change. So she left a lucrative position and returned to Arizona with no real plan.

Exploring Business Opportunities

So where to start? She was encouraged by peers and mentors to invest in real estate. She liked the idea of investment – but it wasn’t enough action for her. She craved more involvement. She had an idea. Instead of investing in properties, what if she invested in a business and the people, products and services behind them? 

With the help of a business broker, Ava started looking at businesses for sale. Instead of building a new product or service from the ground up, why not purchase a business that’s already developed? 

She narrowed it down to three possibilities, all franchises: Subway, Auntie M’s, and a commercial cleaning company – an unknown brand to her at the time called Jani-King. She liked Subway but didn’t like the regimented hours. Auntie M’s was looking good, but there was more than one location and she wanted to be present in all operations. She realized she wanted more control over her schedule and, ultimately, her life.

That left Jani-King. It wasn’t the glamorous choice, and even Ava had her reservations. Could she trade in her suits and high heels for a janitorial cleaning business? She took a chance. And it paid off, very well.

Building a Thriving Franchise

It’s been 25 years since she took that chance on Jani-King. Her business is thriving now more than ever and when asked about retirement, her answer was simple, “why would I? I’ve built a business I enjoy, with a network of employees and clients that I care about. I have no plans of stopping anytime soon.”

So what set Jani-King apart for Ava? What was the secret? With Jani-King, she could work on her own terms, setting her schedule around her life, not the other way around. Initially, she thought it might just be a temporary solution, but as she got into the business, she realized the limitless potential for growth. And it all started with her own employees. Many on her payroll have been there since the beginning. She’s created a family and they’re all in it together.

Ava quickly built a reputation for reliability and strong relationships with her clients, many of whom she inherited when she purchased the franchise. Not only was able to retain their business, but she built upon it over time. Managing the business allowed her to flex her organizational skills, and her attention to detail helped her expand the operation. 

It didn’t hurt that joining the cleaning crew every now and then helped de-stress and calm her.

Expanding Beyond Cleaning: Ava’s New Ventures

As she and the company matures, she’s looking for ways to keep her busy, not slow her down. As the CEO of the franchise, she has the final say and she’s saying she’s not going anywhere.

Because of Jani-King, she’s also been able to explore other business ventures, such as plans to open a restaurant to honor her late mother. Her mother was her biggest supporter and business partner until she passed. As told by Ava, Jani-King gave her a gift she’ll be forever grateful for – the ability to work alongside her mother and share in the enjoyment and fulfillment that came from running the business. 

Fulfillment she didn’t know was waiting for her on the other end of a commercial cleaning business.