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Why switch your office cleaning to Jani-King?

Is it time to Switch Your Current Office Cleaning Company? Take our quiz.

As the trend of “in office” work continues, now is the time to assess your needs.

Why switch your office cleaning to Jani-King?

Is your office space in need of extra TLC? A clean workplace is crucial for productivity, recruiting talent, employee health and wellness and overall brand reputation. But how do you know if your current office cleaning company is meeting your needs? Take our quick quiz to find out.

Already seen these questions? Click here to see the results
  1. How often do you notice dust buildup on desks and surfaces?
    1. Daily
    2. Weekly
    3. Monthly
    4. Rarely

  2. How would you rate the cleanliness of your office restrooms?
    1. Sparkling clean
    2. Pretty clean
    3. Could use some work
    4. Needs serious attention

  3. Do your office floors and carpets appear…
    1. Spotless and well-maintained
    2. Mostly clean, with a few spots
    3. Worn and stained
    4. In desperate need of a deep clean

  4. How does your office smell throughout the day?
    1. Fresh and inviting
    2. Neutral
    3. Occasionally musty
    4. Often unpleasant

  5. When was the last time your cleaning service did a deep clean of your office?
    1. Within the last month
    2. 1-3 months ago
    3. 3-6 months ago
    4. Over 6 months ago or never

If you answered mostly:

  • Mostly A's: Your office is in great shape! Keep up the good work, and maybe just schedule a deep clean for seasonal refreshment.

  • Mostly B's: Your cleaning routine is solid, but there's always room for improvement. Consider a few targeted deep cleaning sessions.
  • Mostly C's: It might be time to reevaluate your cleaning service. A fresh approach could make a big difference!

  • Mostly D's: Your office could use some serious TLC. A new cleaning service like Jani-King might be just what you need to boost your workplace environment!

Dress to Impress

From start-ups to Fortune 50 companies, the office is an extension of the company and a direct reflection of their products and services. An unkept or dirty office can immediately hurt the integrity of the brand and capability within the industry – regardless of what that may be. And more and more business is being done in the office. In-person meetings and office culture is making a comeback in a big way.

Resurgence of the Traditional Office

It’s here. Following the pandemic that forced working to be exclusively remote, the trend is now swinging back the other way. According to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and industry reports, about 30-40% of jobs are now performed only in physical office settings. While that number is not up to pre-pandemic figures yet, the hybrid model is. It’s expected that 60 - 70% of all jobs will soon be hybrid, balancing both in the office and at home schedules within the same role.

More businesses heading back to the office – coupled with a higher standard for sanitized and clean spaces post pandemic – means the demand for office cleaning services is on the rise. It’s the perfect time to evaluate your current provider and assess if your needs are being met.

Meeting Industry Baseline First

At the very minimum, meeting basic industry standards should come first. The baseline tasks that should be performed by a commercial office cleaning crew typically include:

  • Daily Tasks:
    • Trash Removal: Emptying trash bins and recycling containers, and replacing liners.
    • Surface Cleaning: Wiping down high-touch surfaces such as desks, countertops, and office equipment.
    • Floor Cleaning: Vacuuming carpets and sweeping/mopping hard floors.
    • Restroom Cleaning: Cleaning and sanitizing toilets, sinks, and countertops; replenishing soap and paper supplies.
    • Kitchen and Break Room: Cleaning countertops, sinks, and appliances; restocking paper towels and soap; wiping down tables and chairs.

  • Weekly Tasks:
    • Dusting: Dusting surfaces including furniture, shelves, and vents.
    • Window Cleaning: Cleaning interior windows and glass surfaces.
    • High-Touch Areas: Thorough cleaning of high-touch areas such as door handles and light switches.

  • Monthly Tasks:
    • Detailed Dusting: Dusting blinds, baseboards, and ceiling fans.
    • Air Vents: Cleaning or inspecting air vents and filters.
    • Upholstery: Cleaning or vacuuming office furniture upholstery.
    • Deep Cleaning Floors: Deep cleaning carpets (e.g., shampooing or steam cleaning) and hard floors (e.g., scrubbing and polishing).

  • Quarterly/Periodic Tasks:
    • Deep Clean Carpets: Intensive cleaning of carpets and upholstery.
    • Window Washing: Washing exterior windows and detailed glass cleaning.
    • Specialized Services: For example, floor waxing or restoration.

Where does your company fall? Is your cleaning crew hitting the mark or missing it? Knowing what is expected is the first step. Next is making sure your unique cleaning needs are being addressed. Enter Jani-King.

Accountability that Only Comes with Jani-King

Hiring a Jani-King business comes with a long list of perks. We set a high standard when it comes to quality work and implement company-wide expectations and processes designed to create the best provider/client relationship.

Each and every Jani-King client outlines their cleaning needs, in detail in the form of a contract up front. It’s made clear and in certain terms what is expected of the cleaning crew and at what agreed upon price. There’s a mutual understanding that builds trust and confidence from the outset. Not to mention it provides recourse, should any of those needs not be met.

Direct Access to the Boss

When working with a Jani-King business, each and every client not only has the phone number and email address of the owner of the local Jani-King franchise, they are on a first-name basis.

That personal connection is made from the beginning, allowing the client to express any concerns quickly and early as well as adapt the scope of work to meet the growing needs of their business. No need to negotiate a new contract, Jani-King has the ability to authorize extra work and the outcomes of that work with a quick form.

Put Yourself back in the Driver’s Seat

It’s your business on the line. Make sure it’s clean and represents you well. With Jani-King, we’re more than a cleaning company – we’re fellow business owners that understand how high the stakes are. It’s our job to get it right. Reach out to us today for a quote.

Reach out to us today for a quote.

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